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Re:" An effete corp of impudent snobs"

In a message dated 7/13/99 8:38:52 PM, DrRMF2700 (at) aol(dot)com writes:

Is this list for an effete corp of impudent snobs only?
"Lurkers" vs "regular posters"
"no right to complain"
"{we] talk about what intersts [us}"
"informed people" vs "people who only think they are informed"

Dear Zugi,

The wonderful thing about this list, is that Ari gives each of us the 
opportunity to not only show our brilliance but our ignorance as well...I 
prove that point constantly. Please don't take any criticism personally, we 
all have a right to disagree-that's what makes this list interesting.

There is a hilarious recording called "You Don't Have To Be Jewish". In one 
of the skits, the President of the U.S. & the Pres of Israel each tell the 
other that they have many problems in their respective countries.
The U.S. President says he has more problems because he is the President of 
200 million people whereas the Israeli President is the president of only 5 
million people.
The Israeli President counters with, "You may be the president of 200 million 
people, but I am the president of 5 million PRESIDENTS!"

On this list, we are ALL Presidents!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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