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In a message dated 7/9/99 9:39:34 AM, reyzl (at) flash(dot)net writes:

<<  Bronfman Jr. is also head of Hollywood film studio in case you didn't 
know.  We are talking major political and economic power.

You also have to understand that Samuel Bronfman senior, the head of the 
World Jewish Congress and a grand Jewish philanthropist, does his 
philanthropy on the basis of the exploitation of a whole industry and 
market.  >>

I have heard Bronfman Sr. on many  interview shows and he has said a number 
of times that his biggest regret and mistake is that he never gave his son a 
Jewish upbringing.  Even Sr.  identified himself  as a Jew "by birth" for 
most of his life. It's a shame that it took so long to learn.

MCA is not  'Just" a film company. It is Universal Studios, Theme Parks, 
Record & music publishers, cable t.v. and book publishing--as well as booze".
The problems as Universal, however, started before  Bronfman's take over from 
Lew Wasserman-once considered the most powerful and most feared person in the 
entertainment industry.

There have always been Jewish as well as non-Jewish charlatans in the music 
industry, however, as bad as they might have been , they never sold out their 
people for commercial in point, Morris Levy. 

For anyone envolved in music, be it Jewish or secular. there are two books 
that you should read, "Hit Men", by Fredric Dannen, and the powerful 
,"Stiffed " by William Knoedelseder.  "Stiffed" is the story how the Mob got 
into MCA (now Mr. Bronfman's company). The greatest tragedy, is the the 
overwhelming number of "not nice" people are Jewish.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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