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In spite of the fact that the Jewish Week put a positive spin on all of 
this, it truly, truly was a scary article from all points of view.   This 
Lyor Cohen created the whole hip-hop and rap market which white suburban 
kids now live on.  Even kids at my daughter's Orthodox yeshiva listen to 
this crap every day -something I am flabbergasted at, but can do little 
about.  Jews really do control this industry (nothing to be ashamed of), 
but I truly believe that we have to make sure that they act responsibly to 
morality, good values, especially to kids.  I don't think that we should 
hesitate to appeal to their Judaism on the critically important issue of 
self-censorship.  I know little about their exploitation of artists and can 
not comment on that, but I wish they would help the Jewish market. 
  Bronfman Jr. is also head of Hollywood film studio in case you didn't 
know.  We are talking major political and economic power.

You also have to understand that Samuel Bronfman senior, the head of the 
World Jewish Congress and a grand Jewish philanthropist, does his 
philanthropy on the basis of the exploitation of a whole industry and 
market.  His son does the dirty work while the father whitewashes it with 
some good deeds.  God, I sound like a socialist here which I am not.  But I 
am pretty disgusted with some of the Jewish philanthropists whose money 
come from tobacco (the Tisches own Lorrilard), liquor and misogynistic, 
sex-filled lyrics (the Bronfmans own Seagram plus...).   Well, now I sound 
like a conservative, family-values-right-winger which I am also not. 
   Well, I guess I am somewhere in between on this.


From:  Jonathan Schorsch[SMTP:jonjack (at) uclink4(dot)berkeley(dot)edu]
Sent:  Friday, July 09, 1999 1:35 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  Re: FW: RUN-DMC?

Reyzl (if I may):

Wow.  Your reportage of the Jewish Week piece on Lyor Cohen was riveting.
The news about Bronfman's control of the U.S. music industry I found
particularly depressing, given my views of the current politics of industry
(self-)censorship and exploitation of artists.  I can't wait to see the
original article.  Many thanks.

Jonathan Schorsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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