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Re: why Jews became fiddlers

RUSSHARD (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Oh, I love clarinetist too.
> O.K., O.K., so I could have also said that maybe the tone of the violin could
> be compared to your next door neighbor whom you wished would stop kvetching so
> you could get some rest, or his newborn son wailing at top pitch, or his
> sonorous, nymph-like daughter singing to her crying brother.
> As to the vocal quality of the bass sax, you tell me :-)

The bass's more like someone with Giantism davening. Sometimes also
like an obese, sweaty man pushed up against you on a streetcar, continuously
yelling; "GEEZ IT'S HOT IN HERE!!" I also have a contrabass sarrusophone, which 
plan to bring to our Klezmer Orchestra workshops soon. It's vocal quality is
rather like a hippo with a case of flatulance.

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