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Re[4]: why Jews became fiddlers

     I confess. Oshamnu!
     I stole the pun from a recent tribute to Gilda Radner that aired about 
     2 weeks ago.
     Al cheit sehchotonu
     Rich W.

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Subject: Re: Re[2]: why Jews became fiddlers 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    9/25/98 3:31 PM

In a message dated 9/25/1998 7:58:02 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
richard_wolpoe (at) ibi(dot)com writes:
<< One irony,
         How did Jews - who opposed violence (violins) - become Fiddlers???
      Shono Tova!
      Rich Wolpoe >>
*****This has nothing to do with the topic, but it reminds me of Gilda Radner 
as Emiliy Litella on Saturday Night Live, saying "What's all this I keep 
hearing about violins on television!?"

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