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Re[2]: Adon Olam

sorry!  I had translated this in a previous email.

V'neahapoch hu is a phrase in the megillo referring to the turnabout that 
the Jews triumphed over their enemies instead of vice versa.

So, Purim has incorporated a number of customs that reflect the 
turnabout.   How about triumphing over the bad old soviet Union (evil 
empire???).  Singing a Soviet Song to Purim words would fit into this 
category.  it's all in the spirit of Purim, where Jews dress as up as 
"goyim" (gentiles)

Also, there a number of meodlies to v'nehapoch so it qualifies as a 
song title, too!

Happy Purim

Rich Wolpoe 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Adon Olam 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    3/6/98 9:35 AM

In a message dated 3/6/98 8:15:15 AM, you wrote:

>v'nahapoch hu!

 What's this mean?

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