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Shabbos Candles


>To most of us, tradition is what we grew up with.  There are and perhanps 
>"always" have been different ways of worship, at least once the Hebrews 
>ended their wanderings in the desert and established tribal areas.  In our 
>family, my wife puts a little water in the Shabbat candle holder to keep the 
>flame from damaging the silver when the candle burns down.   When our 
>daughters began to light Shabbat candles in their own homes, they asked 
>about the religioius significance of the water.

Not to belabor Halacha in a music list, but I believe putting water under a 
Shabbbos candle would be highly questionable, halchically speaking.  I 
understand that the halacho prohibits putting water under a candle if the 
intention is to extinguish sparks and other hot debris fomr the candle.  I 
have not checked my sources lately, so PLEASE do not consider this a Psak 
(a decision).  However, but I would say your daughters have a certain 
halachic intuition!   

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