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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

EMG 89 (emg89 (at) aol(dot)com) wrote:
: I fucking agree!!!!!!!!!
: foo fighters = nirvana  (and I don't care what anyone else
: says, they are just like the other wanna-be-rebel nirvana 
: bands that are out today.)  ALTERNATIVE = MAINSTREAM!!
: get it straight.. shit like smashing pumkins, foo fighters, bush,
: (I really fucking hate bush!!!!) are nothing but another big mtv
: trend, "go on kid, smoke a ciggarette, stick out your tongue,
: rip your jeans.......BE A REBEL."   your fake pieces of shit, 
: quit your whining and follow kurt's path........

Since when has music NOT been a trend?  Think about it...


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