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Re: Cantillation: more munach gershaim

Sorry about the text editing problem. . .I hope this is better:
I think the point that Sam is trying to make is that before gershaim,
he sings a munach that is identical to his munach that
precedes mahpach, darga, and mercha.   This is in contrast
to what Binder suggests in his book, which is to drag the
munach into the gershaim, such that, for munach, two notes
are repeated that are identical to the initial note in gershaim.  

I would like to know what people think of this interpretation
by Binder.  I personally do not like it and prefer Sam's
interpretation.  It seems that if Binder's interpretation is the way 
munach gershaim is supposed to be treated, then the trop should
read "mercha gershaim."  Munach implies to me that the word should have
more emphasis than what Binder suggests. 

Secondly, the treatment you use for munach mahpach is interesting,
but it implies a stop in the passage that is not seen in the
Masoretic text.  Shouldn't the trope for munach mahpach
be distinguished from munach | ?  This favors a distinct pause
in the latter trop compination but not the former pair.
It is not usually written (if ever) munach | mercha etc.

Ralph Isberg

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