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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

thiney4113 (at) aol(dot)com (THiney4113) writes:

>The best album of 95' is definitly STOMP 442 by ANTHRAX. Any opinions.

I hated it.

        /************************\      "Now the cauldron starts to boil 
      /**/   | \****/  / \  ___ \**\      I feel my anus heave   
    /**/     |  \/\/  /   \  */  /***\     The undergarments start to soil
  /**/  _____|       / /*\ \    /***\**\    and now I know it's time to leave
/**/    |__  |      /   _   \    __   \**\   but when a demi-god blows
\**\         |     /   /*\   \   \*\__|*/   bloody sperm, it will not stop it
  \**\_______|_/\_/___/***\___\___\***/    starts to worm, and you shall
    \*******************************/    achieve, a maggot sponge-hole effect"
     ScumDog  //  scumdog (at) eskimo(dot)com

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