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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

In article <4ebonr$mod (at) newsbf02(dot)news(dot)aol(dot)com>, commishx (at) 
aol(dot)com (Commish X) says:
>Definetely the best albums of the year:
>Girls Against Boys: Cruise Yourself
>Don Caballero: II
>And please, get the Anthrax out of here! What is it, '88?
>And to the 17 yr old "true-til-death" kidz....i seen you all come and go
>by the score, just remember it's the music that is important, not the
I hate to be an asshole but it is the politics that are important. The ideas
are what have kept the scene alive and thriving, even though the music 
behind the message constantly changes.
So you grew up and began listening to more "mature" music...give the kids
a break! You were there and if you learned anything this should be one of 
Yes, fuck Anthrax they've got about as much to with this news group as 
Poison, but I hate to say it- Girls Against Boys aren't very hardcore
30 and still true till death! Mr. Eric Flexyourhead!

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