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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

In article <4cq83h$g80 (at) newsbf02(dot)news(dot)aol(dot)com>,
   jonblaze20 (at) aol(dot)com (JONBLAZE20) wrote:
>oo fighters sukk?
> i dont think so. that cd is one of the years best albums. dave grohl 
>a lot of work into it, give him props.
> if you are a musician, you will realize that the foo fighters cd is
>    plus, its easy to learn on guitar
>dan : )
If you are an artist you would realize that this album doesn't say sh*t
His lyrics are pointless, 
and furthermore if it is easy to learn that should say to you...
Hey maybe it wasn't too hard to come up with.
I realize he did it all by himself, but that doesn't mean it is great 
It's  one of the trendiest things I've ever heard.
I guess it is in "vogue" now to have lyrics that don't mean any thing and
call them alternative when it should simply be labelled pop because it
appeals to trendy losers like you (dan:).
If you want to find a true alternative band that has lyrics that truly
mean something to anybody with solid, ORIGINAL ( after all alternative
music should be original, right; not the same thing every one else is
You should give a listen to the band
Marilyn Manson
Who by the way came out with the best album this year which is....
Smells Like Children

-Lollie-Pops For the Little Children


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