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Please Say Tehilim (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 17:48:05 -0400
From: Chabad LIST Chabad-Lubavitch <listserv (at) lubavitch(dot)chabad(dot)org>
To: d_n (at) david(dot)jer1(dot)co(dot)il
Subject: Please Say Tehilim



We received this letter today. It speaks for itself.

May we all merit to hear good news very soon and have our prayers answered.

         ******************Begin included letter*******************

                 Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 17:00:53 +0400 (EDT)
                 From: Reuven Hoch <judaism (at) telerama(dot)lm(dot)com>
                 Subject: Please say Tehillilm

A Lubavitcher Chosid in Pittsburgh, a father with three children has been 
missing since yesterday.  He has officially been delcared a missing 
person by the police and an intensive investigation is under way.  The 
family and community are very worried. 

On behalf of the family and community I would like to ask you to send a 
message to the Lubavitch lists and ask people to say Tehillim.  His name 
is Pinchas Yitzchak ben Ester Toba.

Thank you.

Reuven Hoch

              *******************End of Letter*****************

The Jewish Custom is to recite (at a minimum) Psalm 20 when one is,
G-d forbid, in distress. 

We are providing the English Translation of this Psalm below:

Psalm 20

For the Choirmaster; a Psalm by David.

May the L-rd answer you on the day of distress; may the Name of the
G-d of Jacob fortify you.

May He send your help from the Sanctuary, and support you from Zion.

May He remember all your offerings, and always accept favorably your

May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill your every counsel.

We will rejoice in your deliverance, and raise our banners in the
name of our G-d; may the L-rd fulfill all your wishes.

Now I know that the L-rd has delivered His anointed one, answering
him from His holy heavens with the mighty saving power of His right

Some [rely] upon chariots and some upon horses, but we [rely upon
and] invoke the Name of the L-rd our G-d.

They bend and fall, but we rise and stand firm.

L-rd, deliver us; may the King answer us on the day we call.

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