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RE: Chassidic Classic with Giora Feidman

I heard Feidman in '87 -- my first live klezmer.  And I bought one of his
recordings, and his book of sheet music in '87 or '88.  He definitely
helped me get interested in klezmer.  Feidman's book -- and Henry
Sapoznik's Compleat Klezmer -- were the first two klezmer-revival music books.

I interviewed Feidman once for the Jewish weekly here.  He didn't seem like
a bad guy.  He waxed a bit "mystical."   (So does Statman, who can also
play, to put it mildly.)  On an earthly level, Feidman didn't knock any
other musicians.  

Try mentioning "Feidman" at a klez conference and see what happens.  It's
the equivalent of yelling "cheeseburger, cheeseburger" at Chabad.

Feidman can play and entertain.  He's not Tarras or Brandwein, granted.
He's sui generis.  

I think he comes from a long line of klezmers -- or so his PR goes. 

-Bert Stratton

Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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