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Re: Chassidic Classic with Giora Feidman

I don't know that particular album, but I really find Giora Feidman's music

to be cloying. He really overdoes the shmears and other shticks. I don't

find any of the bittersweetness in his playing that I find in Klezmer

clarinetists that I like (which is most other mainstream Klezmer

clarinetists) and that makes Klezmer music so appealing.

I find it very difficult to listen to Giora Feidman.


This Cd is part of a compilation series from the Hataklit (Israle) label. 
They keep rehashing old recordings and giving them new names. Though is says 
"featuring Giora Feidamn on the cover, most of theartists are Israeli musicians 
and not necessarily Klezmer.
These compilations have been  around for a number of years, and find their 
greatest market outside of Israel and  in the tourist shops at the Tel-Aviv 

At one time Feidman was the "king" of Klezmer and his recordings were VERY 
popular, from what I gather, he's still very popular in Europe, but no longer a 
major factor in the US.  Most of his recordings have lost what little " 
klezmer" they might have contained at one time. 
He is a very good musician, but Klezmer?????  Not really.
Hatikvah Music
(Psst, wanna buy some Feidman CDs?)
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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