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Crakow this summer.

I know it's early, but have also found that it's best to prepare well 
in advance for trips like these...Is anyone here planning on attending 
the Krakow Jewish Culture festival this coming summer?  I will be 
traveling with my son and would love to have an English (afile Yidish!) 
speaker to help us get a feel for the place and perhaps some important 
advice while (or before) we're there.  On the other hand, maybe you're 
going for the first time this summer, too, and would like someone to 
travel around discovering the place with?

Maybe it would help if someone who's already been there could tell me 
if it's very difficult for those of us who don't speak Polish to 
communicate and get information.  I have heard that it's something of a 
college town and is full of students of English who like to test their 
skills.  Is this true?  Is it even an issue?

Anyway, any help would be appreciated!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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