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Re: Chassidic Classic with Giora Feidman

I don't know that particular album, but I really find Giora Feidman's music
to be cloying. He really overdoes the shmears and other shticks. I don't
find any of the bittersweetness in his playing that I find in Klezmer
clarinetists that I like (which is most other mainstream Klezmer
clarinetists) and that makes Klezmer music so appealing.

I find it very difficult to listen to Giora Feidman.

My 2 shekels,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jill Friemark" <sefirah (at) earthlink(dot)net>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: Chassidic Classic with Giora Feidman

> A few days ago I went poking around the usual stores in the Fairfax
> district of Los Angeles when I came across a rare gem of a CD (well,
> it's at least rare around these parts as far as I know!).  It's called
> "Klezmer-Chassidic Classic, featuring Giora Feidman" and I found it
> buried underneath a pile of other CDs in a box, all dusty and held
> closed only by a piece of tape!  In my hunt for new Klez, I had to
> check it out.
> It's amazing!
> For someone whose ears are used to the progressive, edgy sounds of the
> Klezmatics, The Flying Bulgars and others, this might definitely strike
> one as being at least a teeny bit cheesy - AT FIRST!  To start with,
> the CD is from Israel, and none of it is in Yiddish.  It's got singing
> and is largely incredibly upbeat!  The production is lush and
> comforting.  It took some curiously groovy turns with the disco
> sounding "Mashiach," and "Sim Shalom," which sounds like it might have
> come from the Mamas and the Papas!  Excellent!  On closer inspection, I
> did notice that most of the tracks were recorded in the 70's, but there
> were a few recorded in 1997, at which time I'm guessing the CD was
> released.
> I found this CD to be beautifully spiritual, uplifting and very nicely
> done!  Apparently there are others, some of them in Yiddish, through
> Hataklit Ltd:  "Di Beste Lider fun Di Beste Zingers," "Kinder Yoren,"
> "Chassidic and Shabbat Songs," "Klezmer Freilach Compilation,"
> etc....I'll have to get my hands on these as well, but if any of you
> may know who might carry them in the States, I'd like to order them
> that way.
> Thanks!
> Jill

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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