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Re: Chassidic Classic with Giora Feidman

Giora is what he is, and he come by it honestly.  Some folks break
bad for obvious reasons on being hte self proclaimed King of the Klezmers,
but that will have to wait for the Mel Gibson movie.

Thing is that klezmer came out of Europe and went not only to America
but to Israel.  It continues to evolve in both places, but in a Darwinian

Akiva Ben-Horin, which I can get none of my US cohorsts to listen to 
(well, one listened and said no he didn't want to learn to do 
Russhishe Sher this way instead of the Abe Scwartz way) is an example.

Moshe Berlin, who I beleive mostly lurks on this list, is another - a
fine player, in the evolved - through - Eretz - Israel  lineage.

But you mentioned disco beats.  Perhaps you should be checking out some
of the endless chain of Chassidic records coming out of Boro Park in
the 1980's.  A lot were good old tunes, but done with a competent 
band with a "chassidisco" beat.  No, I dod not invent the terminology.
I think I first came accross it in am old Epstien Bros fake book for
covering Hasidic weddings.  If not there, cvertainly in Pete Sokolov's
book on keyboard.

There is a LOT of hasidisco out there and it may be the only place on
earth that disco ain't dead.  Yes, you CAN do the Hustle to Lecho Doidi.

There a whole world out there besides the edgy suburban kids who are
reading Hebe.  Have you heard the rock and roll version of Lecha Dodi
by the Breslovers?  Screaming electric guitars, until 20 minutes before

ronen "don't rock the boat, baby" tsimblr

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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