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Re: Simchas Beis HaShoeva

Todd - things are pretty quiet about when things will happen in CH.  Possibly
every night of Chol HaMoed, I suspect Tuesday would be auspicious.

A caution - it seems like an opportunity for trouble between the Yechi/nonYechi
factions.   Hopefully I'm wrong, but there has been violence, and this is
such a wide open celebration that I'd be a little concerned.

Every year Gili Houpt gives a great rundown on Sukkot Chol HaMoed music
opprtunities in New York at the Yahoo NYCJewish Music list - there's usually a 
big whoop-de-doo on the
West Side, and the Carlebachers pull out the Holy Beggars' Band.  There's
plenty to do without doing CH, tho I certainly understand the desire to 
be part of that, just for the scale of it.

Here's Gili's posting:

And maybe next year, in Jerusalem (El Al annouced $699 fares from NY this
morning, compain goes for $499.  This could be a great time to go!)

roger reid

Todd A. wrote:
> From owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org  Wed Oct  8 12:04:05 2003
> Return-Path: <owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
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> Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 12:03:07 -0400
> To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> From: "Todd A." <tamodeo (at) stern(dot)nyu(dot)edu>
> Subject: Simchas Beis HaShoeva
> In-Reply-To: <012401c38db4$481807f0$28104081 (at) brandeis(dot)edu>
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> Hello friends,
> Not sure how many NYC people are on this list.
> So my apologies to everyone else in the world
> for this NYC-centric question...
> I'm wondering if you know when Simchas Beis HaShoeva
> is happening next week in Crown Heights?
> I think it's Mon. Tue. & Wed.
> But what time and do you know where to go?
> Sorry...I'm kind of ignorant of this celebration
> but a friend is recommending that I go and check
> it its something beautiful and special!
> Any insight on what to expect?
> Also, I would love you high-speed connecters
> to check out some music that I'm involved
> in, sung in Loshon Kodesh:
> Thanks very much in advance!
> -todd amodeo

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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