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Simchas Beis HaShoeva

Hello friends,

Not sure how many NYC people are on this list.
So my apologies to everyone else in the world
for this NYC-centric question...

I'm wondering if you know when Simchas Beis HaShoeva
is happening next week in Crown Heights?

I think it's Mon. Tue. & Wed.

But what time and do you know where to go?

Sorry...I'm kind of ignorant of this celebration
but a friend is recommending that I go and check
it its something beautiful and special!

Any insight on what to expect?

Also, I would love you high-speed connecters
to check out some music that I'm involved
in, sung in Loshon Kodesh:

Thanks very much in advance!

-todd amodeo

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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