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Re: flute vibrato

Naftule Brandwein did some finger vibrato on clarinet - you can hear it on
the B section of "firn di mekhetonim aheym." - although my guess is he did
it by manipulating a key (with his finger).

Adrianne G wrote:
<snip. the tradition of finger vibrato, long since in use for a couple of
centuries and existed and still does in other folk styles and baroque music
as well, is very much a possibility. I began a little discussion of this
either on this list or elsewhere (perhaps woodenflute list?) and I received
mostly support from listers on other lists, not this one. Anyone wish to
chime in? There are very clear examples in my ear of clarinetists choosing
only certain notes to use finger vibrato (which makes sense because not all
notes are possible, in fact, very few the more complicated the system of
fingering beyond the Simple) and, although I should have kept notations, I
would eventually be able to find tracks on CDs for examples - when I have
the time....<BR>
>But anyway, especially if this discussion hasn't taken place, I'd be
>interested to have votes "ferr"&nbsp;  or "agin"&nbsp;  <BR>
>For me, I either do (very little....because I'm still learning simple
>system...) finger vibrato or 90% straight. It also means that vibrato is
>almost like an ornament rather than something that intrudes on the overall
>passion you express with your air streem. That's my 5 cents for now :-)
>Maybe I'll up it to a buck if listers would like more discussion :-)<BR>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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