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Howie Leess

My 2 groshn, tho' not as eloquent as Eve's, Jordan's, Pete's et al's.

Howie had an incredibly "zise neshome" (sweet soul).  I think this came out
in his playing.

He played the most amazing clarinet doyne I ever heard in my life at
KlezKamp 2 years ago, I was truly mezmerized.  I am SO glad that his
playing has been CD'd by Eve Sicular, Henry Sapoznik ("Klezmer Plus") and
also videoed (tho' Henry, will the tons of videos and recordings made at
the various KK's ever be made available to us "proste klezmorim?"....).  I
feel lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know him a little, to have
his gotten his comments on my playing, and to have been a witness to his
inspired and inspiring musical genius.  "er zol hobn a likhtike gan eyden."

Dena Ressler

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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