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Re: flute vibrato

Flute teachers wil tell you the way to make vibrato is to vary the air stream 
from your diaphragm, like ph-ph-ph-ph-ph.

I'm a sax player who doubles on flute, so I haven't learned to control it yet 
(I don't think it's easy). I use the old sax jaw vibrato (which will probably 
give all the flute players/teachers on the list apoplexy).

I would think that Adrienne Greenbaum would be able to give us a definitive 
answer. Adrienne?

Dick Rosenberg

> Hello flutists:
> Could someone please explain to me off-line or suggest a book on how to make 
> the 
> lovely vibrato on the flute?  I especially like the way James Galway does it. 
> Zeyt Gezunt,
> Mary

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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