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Re: flute vibrato

> There are very clear examples in my ear of clarinetists choosing only certain
> notes to use finger vibrato  [?]  I would eventually be able to find tracks on
> CDs for examples - when I have the time....

Too bad we didn't discuss this at KlezKanada! So when you have time, I'd
seriously be interested in these examples... I've heard about the theory
that Brandwein used finger vibrato sometimes, but I still doubt it (for
Brandwein, that is.) I have no theory about the general use, though I
personally didn't discover it on old recordings yet. Merlin Shepherd does it
these days.
Finger vibrato on a clarinet sounds quite a bit different from the regular,
the distinction is by far not as subtle as on a flute. I checked Brandwein
recordings for this, and haven't been able to find an example.
I'm willing to learn, though!

Christian Dawid

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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