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Re: Question from BBC

Maybe we can keep this within the boundaries of music -- although I 
agree that by being involved in music we are political beings, and 
that it is worthwhile to keep that in mind and to remind ourselves of 
it as often as we can...

Maybe the BBC service that contacted Noa was not the news one, but 
cultural programming, either TV or radio. Speaking as a radio 
professional, I have to say that BBC cultural programming has an 
excellent profile, probably one of the best in Europe.

Getting back to Noa's query: I personally do not know of any Jewish 
work that dealt specifically with this long lasting aspect of 
anti-Semitism. The blood libel tradition is part of the general 
anti-Judaic aspects of Christianity since the Middle Ages. Within 
Catholocism, such aspects were renounced formally only under John 
XXIII's Second Vatican Council.

Catholic musical anti-Judaism has a tradition too. I would suggest 
the BBC programmers to look into the repertoire of "Improperia", 
religious musical compositions based on texts accusing the Jews of 
deicide. It is indeed a very interesting repertoire, which originates 
straight from medieval times and finds its way into the Baroque. I am 
away from my music collection, but I remember something by Sammartini 
related to this. It always amazed me that such inspired music could 
be written on texts that express such a refined degree of hatred.

(after a year spent in Jerusalem, one block away from the Green Line...)

>BBC rang me today to ask if I know of any music which is directly 
>related to the blood libel
>Any ideas for them??


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YUVAL ITALIA      Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
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