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the Beeb's credibility?

Re: Question from BBC"The programme will be aired next January to coincide
with Holocaust Day."

I know that we're two peoples divided by a common language etc etc, but
what calendar are these folks using?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jewish Music Distribution [mailto:jmduk (at) hotmail(dot)com]
  Sent: Tue, August 12, 2003 11:48 AM

  Hugh Wrote:
  I am a producer with BBC Radio 4 and I am making a documentary about the
history of the blood libel. The programme will be aired next January to
coincide with Holocaust Day. The aim is to portray the history of the blood
libel from early mediaeval times in England, across Central Europe and
ending up in the contemporary Middle East.
  I am very keen to include any relevant music and I wondered if you had any
scores or recordings that might possibly be relevant to the subject. This
might include songs directly about the blood libel, or mediaeval Jewish
music from across Europe.

  With many thanks,
  Hugh XX
  BBC World Current Affairs Radio

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