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RE: Question from BBC

On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Ed Sieb wrote:

> The BBC?  Really?
> Britain's last refuge for the progressive anti-Semite contingent, and the
> smug elite's Jew-haters.

For the Wall Street Journal's editorial page to be opining on other news
companies' biases is truly the pot calling the kettle black. The WSJ is
without a doubt the most ideologically driven mainstream publication in
America (as long as one doesn't consider RM Sciafe's publications

We're talking about the magazine that earlier this year published an
editorial calling for the raising of taxes on poor people - so that they'd
learn to hate the government as much as rich people do!

I'll stay out of the rest of this discussion, but I cannot let someone's
use of the WSJ as a source for 'unbiased' reporting go unchallenged.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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