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RE: Questions about Carlebach

Richard Green wrote:

> >4. What are Carlebach's best recordings?  
> Since I own about 60 of his recordings I can tell you that in the category of 
> best live album Shlomo Live in Vienna is my personal live favorite.  It 
> features Borchi Nafshi, L'maan Achai Ve'reay, Uv'nei Yerushalayim, Borchenynu 
> Avinu and L-rd Get Me High among others. 
> Best studio album (and I don't believe that it was over produced) is the Days 
> Are Coming recording featuring Ki Va Moed, Tov Lihodos, Hinie Yamim, Mi 
> Chomocho Baal Gevuors, Asher Bara and Ma Oshiv among others.  The recording 
> was reengineered by theCarlebach Foundation and it features less avante gard 
> type guitar than Neil Siedel's original recording. I have both versions 

I don't usually post "Me, toos", but perhaps a confirming vote would be 
informative; as someone who has showcased (on the radio, in lectures and 
courses, and now on my CD) and written about Shlomo's music for several 
decades, I want to *enthusiastically* second Richard's first advisement re the 
R. SHLOMO CARLEBACH live album, which is also *my* favorite!  Shlomo's in 
wonderfully mellow voice, plus the sound quality, esp. in re Shlomo vis-a-vis 
audience, is about as good as it gets in Shlomo's recordings.

I certainly think DAYS ARE COMING is an excellent, spirits-soaring album as 
well--right up there.

--Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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