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Re: Questions about Carlebach

He played at the Berkeley Folk Festival years ago.  Rabbi Meir Fund of the Flatbush Minyan knows the details.  They wanted someone with an 'international flavor'.

>From: avi finegold
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Re: Questions about Carlebach
>Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 13:28:21 -0700 (PDT)
>--- Jewish Music Distribution > 3.
> Did Carlebach attract at that point a wider
> > audience outside Jewish
> > circles given his "hippie Rabbi" orientation?
> >
>i have it on good authority that he was asked to play
>at woodstock but declined, feeling that it wasn't the
>right place for him. i was also told that after the
>event and the scope of its magnitude came to be, he
>regretted the decision.
>the whole world is a narrow bridge
> and the main thing is to have no fear -rabbi nachman
>the numerical equation of ahavah in hebrew is 13(a prime number)
> be'ahava is 2(bet) x 13
> when two complete and unbreakable (prime) loves come together in love(be'ahava), you have 26
> this shows that god (equivalent to 26) enters into a relationship only if there is a complete unbreakable selflessness to the other -avi finegold
>and one one hand he tattooed the word love/and on the other the word fear -bruce springsteen
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