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Re: Questions about Carlebach

I have some answers for the last 3 questions.

>From: "Jewish Music Distribution"
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Questions about Carlebach
>Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 15:30:28 +0100
>Dear List
>A customer asked me the following questions which I feel the list will be able to answer much better than me, can I please email it here for the list:
>This is what he wrote me:
>I am trying to find out the answers, as mentioned, to the following
>questions on Shlomo Carlebach:
>1. How did he come to record for Vanguard, a blues/folk lable whose roster
>includes people like Odetta James, Joan Baez, Skp James?
>2. How did he come to record at the Village Gate at a time when it was a
>focal point in NY for the folk and jazz scene?
>3. Did Carlebach attract at that point a wider audience outside Jewish

>circles given his "hippie Rabbi" orientation?

Shlomo in fact taught non-Jews too especially if there were Jews who were associated with them.  He went to ashrams, buddhist places, Jesus houses, etc.  He even had an audience scheduled with a pope but that pope died before Shlomo had the chance to meet him.Years ago, I went with Shlomo to the Church of St. John the Divine in NYC.  Swami Satchinananda was the guru there.


>4. What are Carlebach's best recordings?

Since I own about 60 of his recordings I can tell you that in the category of best live album Shlomo Live in Vienna is my personal live favorite.  It features Borchi Nafshi, L'maan Achai Ve'reay, Uv'nei Yerushalayim, Borchenynu Avinu and L-rd Get Me High among others.

Best studio album (and I don't believe that it was over produced) is the Days Are Coming recording featuring Ki Va Moed, Tov Lihodos, Hinie Yamim, Mi Chomocho Baal Gevuors, Asher Bara and Ma Oshiv among others.  The recording was reengineered by theCarlebach Foundation and it features less avante gard type guitar than Neil Siedel's original recording. I have both versions

    But there are other great recording

Neginah Orchestra, I Heard the Wall Singing, Uvnei Yerushalayim, Sweetest Friends are also well done.


>5. Has anybody written a book on him ?
>If you could please send all replies to my home e-mail address which is
>ben (at) apfels(dot)com(dot)
>Thanks - Noa
>Noa Lachman
>Jewish Music Distribution
>PO Box 67
>Hailsham BN27 4UW
>Free phone: 0800 7811 686
>Tel/Fax: (44) 01323 832 863
>email: orders (at) jewishmusic-jmd(dot)co(dot)uk

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