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Tsiganoff Grichisher tantz

Please can anyone supply me with more information about :
- Mishka Tsiganoff
- Grichisher tantz
- Relationships between Klezmer and Greek music or musicians.
- other examples of Klezmer/Greek crossover

I have the cassette "Klezmer Pioneers - European and American Recordings -
1905-1952" with notes by Henry Sapoznik and Dick Spotswood. This notes that
Tsiganoff ("gyspy") recorded Grichisher tantz in 1929 New York, and that he
was a popular accordion soloist. More information which I can't find in my
yet-to-be catalogued klezmer CD/book collection. ooops.

thankyou Ernie Gruner
klezmer violinist - Klezmeritis
Melbourne, Australia (where I went to school most students were Greek or

ps Recently at the Australian National Folk Festival I gave introductory
klezmer workshops which had over 100 participants each session. I teach
tunes in a style similar to the way Merlin Shepherd did at the KlezKamp West
I attended in 1998.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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