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Re: Wagner and friends

--- Eliezer Kaplan <zelwel (at) attbi(dot)com> wrote:
> >but it is
> > kosher to play all those wonderful masses and
> cantatas that are avodah
> zarah
> > mamash?
> Hey David- you trying to start another one of these
> silly debates or
> something?  ;-)
> (BTW AFAIK Christianity is NOT  considered Avodah
> Zarah and according to the
> Talmud the desire to do true Avodah Zarah is no
> longer in the world- though
> I would have to ask my rabbi for chapter and verse.)

Avoda zarah still exists. Meod chaval.
According to the rebeim, Catholicism is still
a problem, which Protestantism isn´t. Rambam
says it´s okay to pray in a Mosque (the Moslems
are that close to us).  But Hindus? Krishna?
First class apikorsus.

Gutn shabbos, yidn!


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