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Re: Wagner and friends

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On 28/02/2003 at 05:42 Alex Jacobowitz wrote:

>--- Eliezer Kaplan <zelwel (at) attbi(dot)com> wrote:
>> (BTW AFAIK Christianity is NOT  considered Avodah
>> Zarah and according to the
>> Talmud the desire to do true Avodah Zarah is no
>> longer in the world- though
>> I would have to ask my rabbi for chapter and verse.)
>Avoda zarah still exists. Meod chaval.
>According to the rebeim, Catholicism is still
>a problem, which Protestantism isnt. Rambam
>says its okay to pray in a Mosque (the Moslems
>are that close to us).  But Hindus? Krishna?
>First class apikorsus.

Hmm, personally I really don't see a vast difference between Christianity
and Hinduism, in principal. The former, IMO, takes the concept of
monotheism and swiftly splits G** into three (or arguably, in the case of
Catholicism at any rate, four, counting the VM). The latter also takes a
single deity, Brahma, as its root, but allows for numerous incarnations of
the same, including, most notably, Vishnu, Shiva, Krshna, Rama, etc. etc.
In the end, both IMO make a meal out of the concept of monotheism as taught
by Moses.

(Renaissance Man)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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