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Re: Nazis and music

> Everyone else - Strauss, Orff, etc - were small fry.
> Peons. Artists who wanted to get ahead, or stay
> ahead.
> Reprehensible as that may be, they weren´t
> architects
> of the Final Solution. Wagner was, though he
> would never have dared to dirty his hands with the
> murderous work personally.

im not trying to be a wagner apologist-beleive me the
more i know the less i like of him, but how can one be
an architect without any knowledge of what the future
lies in store?? he may have become hitlers best
friends and his descendents probably were, but his
actualy connection to the nazi party remains
completely after the fact. i tried to illustrate this
before but let me try just once more with a more
extreme example: suppose for some twisted reason
hitler loved rembrandtss work and chose his works  as
the models for how nazism should look, to the point of
adopting it as a philosophy. now remember that he died
centuries before and painted many flattering pictures
of jews and jewish themes. would we be no longer
allowed to enjoy his art simply because the nazis used
all im saying is that being adopted like that doesnt
cut it for me as far as a reason not to listen to him.
used stereotypes? yup. 
wrote evil literature? sure.
nazi? no way

and just because you wrote nazi opera as a means to
get by politically doesnt make it right.....


> Alex Jacobowitz
>  avi
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