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Re: Nazis and music

--- Alex Jacobowitz <alexbjacobowitz (at) yahoo(dot)com> wrote:
> B"H Munich
> Okay, here we go again.
> Pay attention folks. 
> Jews in Music, 1850.
> Richard Wagner
> Siegfried´s father (anti-Semitic caricature)
> Beckmesser (Die Meistersinger) anti-Semitic
> caricature, originally named Hans Lick,
> word play on Hanslick, the foremost (Jewish)
> Viennese critic, who happened to be pro-Brahms
> and contra-Wagner.

i didnt deny that thse characters exist...just that
his adoption by a regime after the fact isnt a good
enough reason to dismiss him. this isnt to say that
there arent plenty of good reasons to do so, i just
dont think that one is valid. if for some reason the
nazis decided to choose verdi would that immediately
castigate him for the rest of eternity despite the
fact that he did nothing remotely nazi-like?

> Then there´s Fürtwangler. Make your pick. Where does
> it begin? Where does it end? Should we outlaw
> Fania Fenelon´s book because she played for officers
> at Auschwitz?
> Draw your lines where you see fit. But if anyone in
> the whole world deserves to get the hobbled boot,
> it´s Richard Wagner.

why him? why not any of the others??


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