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Re: fiddle teacher wanted near Boston's north shore

I would be surprised if there was no one at Temple Israel in Swampscott, where 
the Klezmaniacs used to be based, who could help. The information from the 
Klezmershack offers the following contact into for Cantor Ken Richmond:

Tel: 781-595-8705. Email: klezmaniacs (at) hotmail(dot)com(dot) (Ken Richmond)


At 08:34 AM 2/28/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>If anyone can help this dad, I promised him I would post it to the List.
>He already knows about Beth Cohen and Mimi Rabson.
>From: Bruce Lawson <brucemlawson (at) yahoo(dot)com>
>>> >Hello,
>>> >
>>> >My  12 year old daughter has been studying violin
>>> for5 years.  She would
>>> >like to take up Klezmer music, but
>>> >we have been unable to find a teacher on the north
>>> >shore.  The closest one we can find is in
>>> >Waterotwn, and we live in Peabody.
>>> >Thank you for your help.
>>> >
>>> >Sincerely yours,
>>> >Bruce Lawson
>>> >978-535-7091

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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