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Kol Nidrei: Yiddish Songs (or Klezmer)

On Saturday night, March 1, as part of the CSAIRiverdale, NYC, synagogue's 
Torathon, I will present a program on the music of Kol Nidrei (other than 
hazzanut, Ashkenzi or Sephardi, or Max Bruch's work).  (More info coming.  
Another presenter will be Arthur Levy, executive producer of From Avenue A to 
the Great White Way, talking about that collection.)  

Can this group help with Yiddish songs (or klezmer music) that quote the music 
of or refer to Kol Nidrei?  

Itzik Gottesman told me of "Dem Zeidns Broche" (spelling on Belarsky LP) and I 
have found "Erev Yom Kippur".  Do you have favorite renditions of the above 
songs or recommendations for others?  (Yes, I have Benny and the Vildachayas.)


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