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Re: Joy of Klez--unsolicited praise

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On 09/01/2003 at 21:21 Richard Schoeller wrote:

>Hey, never mind!  I just found out that LilyPond has a converter from
>Finale ETF format into LilyPond.  So, I guess I could deal with Finale.
>Of course the author of LilyPond is a serious free software bigot and
>adamantly refuses to write a converter from his format to one for a
>proprietary publishing tool.

Well, that's hardly a smart move as he's practically precluding his program
from serious use in many circumstances. If a program can't "talk to"
industry standard apps by at least importing/exporting their formats, it
might as well not exist at all, sadly. OTOH, bigotry does not of course
necessarily come into this, as saving to a proprietary format usually
involves having to pay licence fees...


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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