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RE: Solomon&Socalled's HipHopKhasene

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On 13/01/2003 at 18:01 Jewish Music Institute wrote:

>And hopefully a London Premiere at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on 6 July
>KlezFest London (6-10 July 03)

Speaking of KlezFest, any chance that we might see these artists -

Adrianne Greenbaum - it really would be a splendid asset to have a flutist,
especially one of Adrianne's outstanding talents

Joshua Horowitz - I must confess a very vested interest here, as apart from
Josh's outstanding tsimbl and button accordion, I'd be most keen to attend
his lectures on klezmer modes

Maxwell Street Klezmer Band - such an irresistable, fun band and further
distinguished by their quite adventurous eclecticism

Lori Cahan-Simon - another invaluable asset as far as I would be concerned,

Judith R. Cohen - ditto for a Ladino touch

So, how about it? Pretty please? ;-)  Any chance at all?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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