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Re: Joy of Klez--unsolicited praise

Lori, except for the studio part and for the transcriber's time, I don't 
see where it would cost all that much to print them yourselves and 
either get a binding machine for spiral bound books, which stay open 
easier anyway, or to take them to Kinko's (for example), and burn the 
CDs yourself, which takes more time than money.  Those of us who have 
bought the first volume would surely get the second, and Velvel would 
probably ask you for the requisite 30 free copies and pay you a pittance 
thereafter.  I think the only person who gets rich on Velvel's 
transactions is Velvel.  

Hey Ari,  how about a page listing all the listmembers' recordings and 
links to places to buy them (as if you don't have enough to do already)?

This is not to slight Simon, who does a good job promoting our work to 
the world.


MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> I just want to thank everyone who wrote in for the great feedback 
> concerning Joy of Klez.  We wrote it in response to the requests of 
> several amateur groups who asked for arrangements, but have not really 
> heard anything since it came out, and had no idea if it was getting 
> out to the people who needed it or if it was working for them.  We're 
> really happy that "it works."
> We would like to publish more arrangements, but I can't figure out a 
> way to do so economically, especially if it includes recording a 
> studio CD to accompany the book.  There ought to be some way to be 
> able to get arrangements and recordings into the hands of people who 
> need them for a reasonable price.  It cost about $5,000 to launch this 
> book/CD, which I seriously doubt we will see coming back at us.  Maybe 
> someone else has a more innovative idea as to how to do it--or perhaps 
> there is an organization or individual that would like to underwrite a 
> project like this (ha!).  Anyway, thanks again for the words of 
> encouragement--it means a lot.
> Lori at MAX

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

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