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Re: pas d'espan

There seems to be a whole range of couple dances that Jews enjoyed -much
like the mambo (called the Jewish waltz in the Catskills, I've heard)
popular during a more gaslit era.  According to Hankus Netsky of KCB, the
pas despan is still requested in Boston.  Its definately alive and well in
the Scandinavian countries.  I'd put Pasdespan in the category of European
national exotica- something with a forign flavor. Think of the little
national variations in ballets like Swan Lake and Nutcracker- the Spanish
dance, the Hungarian dance, the Russian dance.  In Swan Lake, these take
place in a ballroom setting.
(Evidently, the Vingyerka is a Hungarian flavored dance.)
Ruth Rubin touches on many of these dances in the "Dancing Songs" chapter of
Voices of a People"- giving the silly kinds of rhymes the dance leader might
call out or sing during these dances.

There's a lot of room for researching these dances: polka-mazurka, lanciers
(THE popular quadrille of its day) quadrille, krakoviak (this last, like the
sher, among the popular dances among the chalutzim in Israel).  I'm forever
indebted to, and not a little awed by Helen Winkler and her amazing ability
to find references and even directions for these forgotten dances.  And to
this list for keeping up these lively dance discussions!

Happy (secular) New Year!

----- Original Message -----
From: <AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: pas d'espan

> Well, this is great. Was hoping for some discussion as I was curious about
> this dance as well. Steve told us that Pete Sokolow informed him that this
> dance was often asked for. I THINK that's who he said discussed it with
> It's quite fast to dance to, the Tarras tune. I'd be happy to find out
> were other choices that Jews danced this to.
> Any more knowledge about this dance out there??? Keep it coming/going!
> definitely a fun dance - albeit a little complicated to try and get across
> a simcha...
> adrianne

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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