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Re: pas d'espan

In a message dated 12/30/02 9:58:55 PM, winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< It's an old Russian Ballroom dance.  I think it does mean Spanish step 
although it doesn't feel Spanish to me when I dance it. I'm not exactly sure 
when it emerged although on another newsgroup someone posted that their 
grandmother learned it in the early 1900s.  I'm just beginning to look for 
additional background info on this dance.

Helen >>

One step in particular -  the side twisting, playing the "castanet", hands on 
hips kind of look - seemed Spanish to me. The coyness and all. The other 
steps didn't have any particular flavor to me but that one phrase of stepping 
and twisting side to side felt Spanish.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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