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Re: Folk Fiddlers

I would most highly recommend Cookie Segelstein (member, The Klezical 
Tradition plus major freelancing, teaching workshops in fiddling)  to fill 
this important position on your festival. She's not only one of the top 
klezmer fiddlers in this country but she also performs traditional Hungarian 
village/country tunes with great spirit, abondon and polish.  (And, as a 
bonus you can have a little Irish if those shoes haven't been filled!) 
Classically trained as well, if the Menuhin committee would want to know, 
with Masters degree from Yale. The works. You won't regret it.... I might, as 
it's hard to fill her boots when she's away! But don't let that stop 
you....Go for it. Very seriously. 

Adrianne Greenbaum
Klezmer flutist, Klezical Tradition

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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