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RE: folk fiddlers

Thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations.  I am specially
grateful to Sandra Layman for your widespread recommendations. We will
discuss them with the committee when we meet next. Have you ideas about a
format for such a concert. A title we like is 'The Soul of the Fiddle'  (the
whole Festival is called 'The Genius of the Violin')  Other title
suggestions were:  Fe Fi Folk Fiddle   or Fiddlers Free  or Blazing Fiddles.
Anyone want a go at a title? And a format.

As well as the concert we will be organising klezmer fiddle masterclasses
and workshops at the Royal Academy of Music and the Wigmore Hall for
professionals violinists event the young competitors in the Yehudi Menuhin
competition.  Deborah is already a favourite in London  having been to our
two KlezFests and we look forward to welcoming here imminently for a tour of
workshops and recitals, and as you have already read on this list, for the
first time we are having a Klezmer New Year's Eve Party with Deborah and
Jeff as special guests.  (You are all welcome if you could get here).  Steve
Greenman is also known to us here and popular from last year's KlezFest.

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Eliott Kahn
Sent: 23 December 2002 19:36
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Subject: Re: folk fiddlers

Yes, I heard Deborah Strauss play four years ago and she was wonderful.

Eliott Kahn

At 10:54 AM 12/23/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Thanks for the kind words, Yankl, Bob, and Jill.
>I'd like to second the motions about Steve Greenman, Cookie Segelstein, and
>Bob Cohen. They're all great. And I hope no one will forget the wonderful
>Deborah Strauss!

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