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Re: klezmer photo in Yiddish-Polish journal

>On the Yiddish-side cover of the bilingual Yiddish-Polish journal 
>"Dos yidishe vort/ Slowo zydowske", August 9-23, 2002, there is a 
>photo from the Krakow jewish music festival 2002, taken by A. 
>Kowalska. it is a jam session in someone's home and i recognize, 
>from left to right: David Krakauer, Sophie Solomon, Steven Greenman, 
>Michael Alpert. (That's one clarinet and 3 violins) - itzik gottesman

It probably was taken at the Klezmer duets/jam sessions that were 
held nightly, not in a private home, but in the dining room of the 
Klezmer Hois restaurant/hotel. The last night was particularly 
extraordinary. I have a lot of photos from the same session.

Ruth Gruber

Ruth Ellen Gruber

     author of:

Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe
University of California Press

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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