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Re: Order of National Anthems

>If we attempted to sing Hatikvah before the Star Spangled Banner, we would
>catch it--from all the Jews 50+ who consider themselves to be quite 
>AND wouldn't want to give the appearance (maarat ayin) of putting America
>second to any nation on earth.

Well, Lori, you now have more than enough ammunition (or armor?  Which is 
the correct metaphor, anyway?) to counter those critics.  But here's another 
basis on which to defend the Hatikvah/SSB order:  In the Torah, the order of 
creation goes *up,* as it were, with humans coming last (except for Shabbat, 
which comes even ... laster).   Coming second/later/after/last doesn't 
demean; it exalts.

Is the "Oseh Shalom" line, which includes a name of G*d as well as a 
pronomial reference, inferior to the other lines in the kaddish?

Then again, you could always just resort to the icing-on-the-cupcake 
metaphor--Surely irrefutable.

--Robert Cohen

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