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"album" [was Re: syntax question (liner notes)]

"Album" may have started in the days of separate pockets for each disk. I 
like that explanation.

But the word "album" did not ever properly imply LP even though some people 
(who grew up before the days of single disks) infer LP when they hear the 
word "album." An "album" is contrasted with a "single"; hence, it is proper 
to use the term "album" for collections of recorded musical selections 
regardless of whether the medium is LP, tape cassette, compact disk, or 
whatever is popular 10 years from now.

The recording industry still uses the the term "album" to refer to 
collections of selections on a CD. It's the imprecise public who 
erroneously believe that albums no longer exist because "album" means "LP."


At 04:25 PM 09/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>They haven't actually been albums since the days of an album with separate 
>pockets for each disc in the collection of that particular recording, but 
>we continued to call an LP an album.
>p.s. Robert, I'd go with "on" also.
>>I'd vote for "on this album". Of course, having gone through 3 or 4 format
>>changes since I started recording and releasing music, there is the question
>>as to whether or not we should still be calling them "albums"??
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