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Re: Order of National Anthems; Australia

SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net wrote:

> Relax and rest assured that you probably will be criticized by
> someone in the audience regardless of which order you choose.
> As you might imagine, cantors confront this issue on a regular
> basis, and this question came up not too long ago on our
> discussion group.  I offer the following synopsis of the
> replies for your entertainment more than for your guidance.
> G'mar Tov
> -Sam Weiss
> [snip]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> BTW, back home in the old country (Australia) we used to sing
> only Hatikvah
> at Jewish functions.  I don't remember ever singing two
> anthems.  Although I
> vaguely recall that we may have sometimes sung the Australian
> anthem at the
> beginning of the event, and Hatkivah at the end (or the other
> way round).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> [snip]

This snippet from Sam's synopsis strikes a strong chord with me.
On more occasions than I care to remember I have experienced the
same thing.  As a non-zionist, I have resented that Hatikvah was
played as though it was The Jewish anthem in all manner of jewish
community and private events.  As an Australian Jew with a great
appreciation for the safety, opportunities and citizenship
provided by this great country, I have been frequently irritated
that the Australian National Anthem was routinely not included.

Australians are famous for their irreverence. It spawns much of
the characteristic laconic humour we are so proud of.  My guess
is it probably stems from the penal colonial settlement origins
of white Australia, and the gold rush era of the mid 1800s, both
of which fostered a distain for authority.  Hence Australians are
generally ignorant, or dismissive of protocol.  I cannot count
the number of times I've had to counsel clients on the matter
that if they intend to include Hatikva, then "Advance Australia
Fair" must also be included.  I only wish I was aware of the
protocol of the order of these anthems.

Might I add that Hatikvah sounds awesome with didgeridoo, and
Advance Australia Fair works very well with klezmer treatment.
(A little more of the irreverent influence, I dare say!).

I am grateful that it is now rare that the anthems are sung at
weddings, b'nei mitzvot, and the like.  They always were such a
downer, and it saves me going through that counselling bizzo.


Lionel Mrocki


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