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Order of Anthems

>From page 379 of Protocol: The Complete Handbook of
Diplomatic, Official and Social Usage by Mary Jane
McCaffree and Pauline Innis, Washington, D.C.: Devon
Publishing Company, Inc., 1985.

"It has been a long-standing practice to play the
national anthem of a foreign visitor before the
American anthem. Often questions are asked about this
custom, but there is no regulation stating which order
should be used, so courtesy and long-standing usage

I hope that this settles the issue for the US. Please
note that in other countries, the minhag may be the
other way round. As with everything in live, you should
always go according to the accepted "minhag hamakom".


  Irwin Oppenheim
  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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