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Re: mitzvot music (was Scarborough Fair tune)

on 7/16/02 11:19 AM, Alex Lubet at lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu wrote:

> Actually, I've never been in a situation where the problem was anywhere
> near that complex.  In a case of my own son's bar mitzvah, the music we
> engaged got the times wrong and had to leave early, about the time people
> had finished eating and might have wanted to dance.  Unfortunately, simchas
> tend to get treated his way all too often.  No one family is going to be
> booking the group for all that many simchas and there aren't that many
> people who are going to make a fuss big enough to make a difference.  I,
> however, and sort of person who does and, although my son isn't eager for
> another bar mitzvah, we did get some satisfaction, an apology and a
> reimbursement, enough to feel justice was done.
I am glkad you feel that you got satisfaction. But the simple fact remains
that what the band did was unacceptable. Written Contracts need to be
ewxplicit about times, cost, etc.

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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